Can’t Help Falling in Love…Again
Chantal and Allan Marra renewed our vows on our 20th anniversary on March 29, 2017, with their children taking part in the ceremony.
Chantal and Allan Marra are the heartwarming example of young love that lasts. They purchased their rings from Jewels on Ninth, and remember playing the song “Can’t Help Falling in Love” at their wedding. Three children and twenty years later, this couple is as much in love as ever.
On October 30, 2016, Allan popped the question for the second time with the help of their old love song. Allan took Chantal to Rotary Park in Cranbrook, and sang “Can’t Help Falling in Love” before asking Chantal to renew their vows on their upcoming family vacation to Punta Cana. “We renewed our vows on our 20th anniversary on March 29, 2017, with our children taking part in the ceremony,” said Chantal.
“Celebrating our 20th anniversary meant so much,” Chantal said. The Marras hope their kids “understand how special it is, and hope that they find their great love in life as well.”
The beginning of this love story started in Cranbrook in 1996. “He proposed to me when I was seventeen at a different part in Cranbrook,” Chantal said. Allan coloured the top of a picnic table with ‘Will you marry me?’ The young couple went for an evening walk as an excuse for Allan to guide Chantal to the table. That was in October of 1996. Chantal and Allan were married March 29, 1997.
“We only dated six months before getting engaged and were married a year later,” said Chantal. To them, the love song holds huge significance. “We have never felt that we rushed into it, but that we fell in love and knew right away.” Reminiscing of their engagement, Allan recreated the moment perfectly.
To celebrate their vow renewal, the couple returned to Jewels on Ninth for new rings. “The rings are beautiful!” Chantal said. “We used the stone from my first engagement ring and put it in a new set with two new anniversary bands boasting 34 beautiful diamonds and my original stone.” While her new diamond ring is the star of the show, “his ring is gorgeous as well.”
Chantal used the stone from her first engagement ring and put it in a new set with two new anniversary bands boasting 34 beautiful diamonds that included her original stone.
“I am sentimental,” said Chantal. “My old engagement ring is having a pink stone put in so I can wear it as well. I am a little attached to it.” Obviously, after twenty years in love, their old rings had seen a lot. “The engravings on the outside were worn off. They were well loved. We loved recommitting our vows with new rings to cherish for another twenty years!”
As one of our favourite love stories, the Marra’s have given their children a fantastic example of a loving marriage. The couple “enjoys nothing more than [their] time together, even after so many years,” said Chantal. “It sounds corny, but we feel truly blessed that we have each other.”
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